While everyone is sunbathing, we keep improving IPSDK to release IPSDK 4.0 in Autumn.
We also take here a moment to highlight our commitment in minimizing our environmental impact.
Our voluntary approach is reflected in :
- The full dematerialization of IPSDK distribution. Every version is available via download, with no physical support;
- The use of public transportation or bicycles to go to the office;
- The setting up of two remote working days per week to limit our travelling needs;
- The supply of recyclable glass boxes and metal tableware rather than throwaway packaging for lunch breaks;
- Instead of drinking coffee from metallic capsules, we decided to use only coffee beans.
Finally, since early 2023, we have been helping pollinating insects at our humble level by sponsoring and running a Beehives project.
Enjoy your Summer Break, and we look forward to seeing you in September to discover IPSDK 4.0!