Reactiv’IP’s staff celebrated the company’s 10th anniversary with a special event.
To mark this important milestone in the Grenoble-based company’s existence, the celebration naturally included a number of local specialties.
The programme included
– Mountain immersion experience
– Biathlon ( using laser rifles for safety reasons)
– Gastronomic meals to enjoy local dishes
The event was an opportunity to consider the journey already accomplished, and to define a common roadmap for the next 10 years.
While Reactiv’IP has gradually developed and established itself in a competitive environment, our collaborators’ daily dedication, our collegial decision-making on strategic directions and our team’s commitment to every single project represent an inestimable strength and provide excellent future perspectives.
We still have so many developments to tackle internally, and so many new and innovative challenges to solve in collaboration with you.
Together, we are stronger, and we have all the ingredients in place to continue that way for many years ahead.